What is Happiness?

Happiness, life-satisfaction and quality of life may be defined as the extent to which our important wishes, goals, needs, and wants have been optimally attained. Thus, the experience of happiness and life satisfaction are derived when the perceived difference, or gap between what we have in valued areas of life and what we want and wish for is narrowed.

Life Satisfaction & Quality of Life Coaching assists you in diminishing your experience of unhappiness and discontent, by fostering an optimal sense of satisfaction and contentment and boosting the overall experience of happiness in your life. 


Life Satisfaction & Quality of Life Coaching will assist you in developing S.M.A.R.T.  I.D.E.A.S that will help you Design and Live your preferred life:

       Identify and gain insight into areas of life that are meaningful to you.


       Define and distinguish perceived areas of life that may be a source of dissatisfaction and discontent.


       Evaluate and distinguish areas of life that you want to change and transform.


       Apply your own knowledge, strengths and capabilities to develop a vision, construct attainable goals, design action plans 

    and to implement necessary steps to fulfill these goals and realize 

    Specific Measurable Attainable Results in a Timely manner.


       Structure a support system for the ongoing maintenance and enhancement of the quality of your life and the continued generation and fullfilment of S.M.A.R.T  I.D.E.A.S